Grape Gorilla Feminized

Grape Gorilla Feminized – Artizen



Grape Gorilla Feminized – Artizen je 100% indica kmeň, ktorý je medzi puristickými znalcami konope veľmi vyhľadávaný. Je to špeciálny hybrid, ktorý bol vyvinutý z troch odrôd: Mendocino Purps, Afghani a Skunk #1. Prvý rodičovský kmeň dodáva skutočné kalifornské “vibes”; Afghani genetika sprostredkováva túto hlbokú a mystickú podstatu indicy a Skunk #1 prispieva k “old-school hit”, vďaka ktorému sa budete vracať po ďalšiu dávku.

V záhrade vyrastie z Grape Gorilly pomerne stredne veľká rastlina a vytvárajú sa z nej silné a kryštalicky pokryté púčiky. Grape Gorilla sa určite odporúča do horúceho a suchého prostredia, ale dokáže dosiahnuť úžasné výsledky prakticky v akomkoľvek podnebí (pokiaľ má správnu TLC). Na konci fázy kvitnutia pestovatelia spozorujú na týchto lahodne mrazivých púčikoch fialové odtiene.

Grape Gorilla Feminized – Artizen is a 100% indica strain that’s highly sought-after by purist cannabis connoisseurs. It’s a special hybrid that was developed from three varieties: Mendocino Purps, Afghani, and Skunk #1. The first parent strain delivers true Californian vibes; the Afghani genetics mediate that deep and mystical indica essence, and the Skunk #1 contributes that old-school hit that keeps you coming back for more.

Upon inhaling the Grape Gorilla buds, the effects of this strain take the consumer on a relaxing journey. It’s highly recommended to enjoy this strain with a movie, or just before going to sleep. The flavours and aromas expressed by this strain are exquisite and diverse. One can detect black currant, plum, fresh cut grass, sandalwood, and ginger scents emanating from the beautiful Grape Gorilla buds.

In the garden, Grape Gorilla grows into a relatively medium-sized plant and develops thick and crystal-covered buds. Grape Gorilla is definitely recommended for hot and dry environments, but she can produce amazing results in virtually any climate (as long as she’s given the proper TLC). At the end of the flowering phase, growers will spot purple hues upon those deliciously frosty buds.


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